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Lislagan Primary School, Ballymoney


2023/2024 School Year

22nd May 2024
Lislagan's rugby team were invited to play in a tournament at the Kingspan Stadium....
2nd May 2024
Lislagan were invited to try fishing at Ashes to Gold Moorbrook and had a whale of...
26th Mar 2024
Primary 7 used junk materials to create the Titanic in art. Take a look at our finished...
20th Mar 2024
From scooters to canoeing in the swimming pool, Primary 6 and 7 sampled a huge variety...
29th Jan 2024
Primary 5, 6 and 7 had the pleasure of representing the school at two local quizzes...
29th Jan 2024
Primary 1-4 wrote Santa letters and the Postman was kind enough to run a special...
8th Jan 2024
Throughout the term, Primary 7 have been deep diving into the topic of Romans and...