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Lislagan Primary School, Ballymoney


In September and October, we were learning about babies and birthdays. We are now learning about the farm until December.  All our literacy is based around these topics.

In P1

Numeracy- we have been learning our colours, patterns, to recognise our numbers to 10, our 2D shapes and how to count to 10.

Phonics- we have covered all the phase 2 initial sounds and are now starting to blend them                together.

In P2

Numeracy- We have been learning how to make our own patterns, recognise numbers to 20 (not in order), count from any given number, name all 2D shapes and their properties.

Phonics- We have revisited all our phase 2 sounds and CVC words and have now moved onto our phase 3 sounds.






Mrs A Adams (SEN)
Mrs A Adams (SEN)